Englisch, Französisch...
Beiträge: 19
Registriert: 07.01.19 16:51

Erster Post zu KOM60 ;-)

Termin Klausur vom 04.02.


What forms of communication can normally be distinguished?

Name and briefly explain the special features of the media that can facilitate or overcome certain aspects of communication.

What is the distinction between the strategic and operative tasks of communication management?

What is the difference between performance-related, corporate-related and societal-related public relations?

How does the American author Friedmann define his concept of the development of globalization 1 to 2 and now for 3?

Komplexaufgabe 1

The … (kann das Wort nicht mehr lesen, sorry 😉) of the internet

How has the internet changed our professional activity in this millennium? Give specific examples.

Describe the huge world of possibilities as created by the internet.

What is the internet of everything? What are its potentials and risks in your opinion?

Komplexaufgabe 2

Dimensions of global culture

Describe the four phases of the management of the communication process and their significance.

What is the point in segmenting target groups? Give an example of the strategy or strategies you would use to do so.

In your opinion, what is the significance of stakeholders for a company?
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Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 21.10.21 11:10

Hi zusammen,

gibt es denn mittlerweile weitere Erfahrungsberichte? Ich werde die Klausur bald schreiben und würde mich freuen, wenn der ein oder andere noch seine Erfahrungen teilen könnte :)

Viele Grüße
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